Monday, November 29, 2010

Relationship between the Rich and the Poor

There is a clearly defined line between the rich wealthy people and the poor people in this novel. To start off it is not like in the story "The Garden Party" where the rich people don't work and don't include the poor people in their activities, it is more shown in the kids because when Sam goes to Kent's house for a party all her and her friends talk about is how they never knew how rich Kent's Family really was. It seems likes that's all they noticed. They seemed very shocked because Kent doesn't act better then everyone else, or acts like he's the coolest kid there is in school or treats people with less money differently like some of Sam's friends do. Most kids today are even like that in the way that they separate the rich from the poor.
If your a student in high school, like I am you would see how many of the kid's make friends with people of the same class as them. And usually the richest kid in the group is the most popular. The trends seem to be that the richer people tend to pick on people with less money as they make fun of their clothing, or the fact that they don't wear make-up because they can't afford it. how they don't wear the 'brand' name clothing and try too hard to fit in. No matter how hard they try to fit in they will never be the same as what the popular kids are because they will always know they don't fit in and feel like they don't belong.
Kids today get teased about almost anything and in this novel, the main character Sam and her best friends pick on almost anyone with a lower rank then them. Lindsay writes rude things on walls of the cafeteria, bathroom and hallways that everyone can see just to make her ego go up and feel better about her self. Lindsay even rights things on the wall that aren't remotely true. With Sam's group of friends they always have to be better then everyone else and rise above. They attempt to impress almost anyone and do whatever they can to make sure no one is better then them. Also they all come from the same class, rich.

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