Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Background Information on Alice Sebold

Alice grew up in Philadelphia. She attended Syracuse University and while walking home through a park off campus she was raped. She told the police and later found out that a young girl had been murdered in the same location.

She returned home to live with her family and then went back to finish her bachelor's degree. Month's later she walked down that same path and recognized her rapist, then reported it to police and testified against him and he received the maximum sentence.

Sebold got into many drugs, including heroin for 2 years. She worked in a restaurant and barely got by. She applied to graduate at the University of California, Irvine.

While at UCI Sebold wrote Lucky a memoir of her rape for a ten page assignment which turned into a forty page assignment! After writing Lucky she wrote The Lovely Bones. Sebold wrote about violence because she believed that is was not unusual, it's a part of life.

She has also written a book called The Almost Moon, and the first page begins with "When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily.

Alice's novels are reflections of her own life and tell people her story, some may think these stories are very harsh and inhumane to write about but it's reality and it does happen to the best of us.

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